MMR vaccine


Trying to convince anti-vaxxers to change their beliefs with scientific evidence may do the exact opposite

The current measles outbreak has separated the pro-vaxxers from the anti-vaxxers on what should be considered an evidence-based, non-issue. Unfortunately, agreeing to disagree just isn’t in the cards when it comes to misinformation and biased interpretations of the facts that has led to many sick children and fearful parents. Telling anti-vaxxers they are just plain […]


A measles outbreak once led to court-ordered vaccinations

In the midst of the current measles outbreak and ongoing debates about a parent’s right to not vaccinate their children, some might wonder how bad it needs to get before legitimate requirements should be put in place. As of right now, it doesn’t seem likely that the legal system will get involved. But back in […]


How much does the measles really cost taxpayers?

The CDC reported on Monday that the measles count is currently up to 121 cases in 17 states. Disneyland exposure accounts for 85 percent of those cases. And of course, the main topic of discussion around the issue has been about preventing further spread and battling the anti-vaxx agenda. But how much do these cases […]